Please select and vote regarding in the poll on this page regarding the ticket relocation process.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
WFAN Listens to Ticket Licensees
For 2 days now, yesterday on Boomer and Carton and today on Mike Francesca's show (also aired on the Yes Network) WFAN has listens to the stories of the ticket licensees. Still no response to the articles in the Daily News or to the 3 days of radio play WFAN has given the story. And of course, absolutely nothing out of ESPN.
Of course I expected nothing from ESPN 1050, they are owned by Disney, a company that produces high ticket entertainment. However I must admit that any Disney Park Admission is worth the value.
The Disney motto use to be will pay to come. Of course the deals Disney is offering now show you that even Disney is taking a hit from the economy. Peopel will no longer pay to come. Until recently Disney didn't have stay X nights get Y night free deals, but now they do.
I am seriously considering organizing a protest march around the new stadium during the pre-season game to be played. Anyone interested, contact me.
Posted by Nancy at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Is the New Yankee Stadium Cursed?
Lately, I am beginning to wonder what ghosts the Yankees may have disturbed by moving across the street. Unexplained incidents, scandals and unYankee like behavior have occurred since ground breaking including the following:
- Steinbrenner became semi-retired with rumors surrounding his health and weight loss.
- Bobby Murcer was diagnosed with brain cancer and subsequently passed away after a brave battle.
- The youth squad of pitching prodigies, Kennedy, and Hughes, along with staff ace Wang all succumbed to injuries that sent all to rehab and left the pitching in disarray.
- The Yankkes didn't even make the 2008 playoffs.
- The NY Attorney General and the US Attorney are investigating the financing and land appraisal for the new stadium.
- Leon Trost flipped the bird to the Yankee ticket licensees and relocated most to subpar seats so he can have plenty of expensive great view empty seats for his kind of people, rich.
- Jason Johnson, a pitcher with good potential acquired from the Red Soxs was diagnosed this past week with cancer of the retina, a career ending injury.
- And now of course in the latest saga of the A-Rod Steroid drama, Alex has been subpoenaed to testify before Congress and also before US Attorney regarding international trafficking in controlled dangerous substances. And of course A-Rod's admission means the drug dogs will be all over the Yankee charter for the next year. Maybe one of them will pee on Leon Trost's pants and luggage.
It makes you wonder if some Indian chief is buried in the Bronx or is it just a protest from the ghost of Yankee greats. Maybe Magic and Mystique don't want to move.
Anyway I am hoping the new Archbishop brings plenty of holy water to his first game, there seems to be something ominous lurking in the soil of the new digs.
Posted by Nancy at 7:23 PM 1 comments
Labels: Alex Rodriquez, Leon Trost, New Yankee Stadium, New York Yankees
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Daily News Keeps the Ticket Issue Alive
See today's news Sunday NY Daily News for a second article on the season ticket licenses downgrades.
Kudos to the Daily News for keeping focus on the this story on the lousy treatment of season ticket holders by Yankee Management.
Posted by Nancy at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sunday NY Daily News, Yankee Season Ticket Relocation
A-Rod is a Goner
This morning on ESPN’s The Sports Reporters, there was more fallout on A-Rod from his latest set of lies. Clearly, the press has had enough of his excuses and of steroids. Old Time baseball writers like Mike Lupica and Bob Ryan have had enough. Clearly the Baseball Writers are rebelling, the drugs have to go and out with those who took them and their associated records.
The last element of integrity in baseball is with the baseball writers, those men and women who determine a player’s immortality in Cooperstown.
Posted by Nancy at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Aesop, Alex Rodriquez, Bob Ryan, Cooperstown, Mike Lupica A-Rod, New York Yankees, The Sports Reporters
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Corky Siemaszko, NYY Fan Hero
I'm not much for the NY Daily News, the sports only, the rest of the paper is good for under the paint can and lighting the wood stove; mostly I read the NY Daily News online. However Today on Page 7, staff writer Corky Siemaszko aired out more dirty NYY laundry, the bad deals given the ticket licensees.
Posted by Nancy at 1:45 PM 1 comments
Labels: Corky Siemaszko, New York Yankees, NY Daily News
Friday, February 20, 2009
My Broken Yankee Heart AKA The Yankee Screw
In a lifetime, there are any disappoints. The great joy of my lifetime was when I was finally able to get season tickets. This year, my heart was crushed by the insensitivity of the Yankees to relocating fans in the the home. Moving isn't hard, I moved a few times in my life, with proper planning it goes great. The Yankee fan move was not planned well; and consequently my heart was broken.
Kahlua - It tastes better then the coffee they serve at the stadium
Club Soda - Like the last 7 Yankee teams, it starts out strong then looses it fizzle and falls flat
Tonic Water - for the bitter taste the 2004 ALDS left in my mouth
ice - for all those Aprils and Octobers I froze my behind off in the Loge
Posted by Nancy at 8:40 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
NYY Ticket Licensee Renewal
I got my invoice today, a big fat lie.

Posted by Nancy at 7:56 PM 3 comments
Labels: New York Yankee Update, Ticket Relocation
Monday, February 9, 2009
A-Rod, Disappointment, Cheat, Liar and Fraud
Disappointment is when you don't get your toy from Santa, when your parents cancel a planned outing. It is a an emotion generated from the loss of something we look forward to in life. Like it or not, personality and all, we all enjoyed watching A-Rod play. He has talent. Talent that will most likely be overlooked going forward in his baseball career. He will forever be tainted by steroids.
Personally I am neither shocked or disappointed. I blame A-Rods' agent, Scott Boras. An agent is supposed to bolster his client when he or she is insecure. A-Rod requires constant ego maintenance. An agent is supposed to furnish that to his client to keep him from stupid things, like steroids. A-Rod for all his natural talent is highly insecure. He is also image focused. Using steroids and thinking it would not come out is image suicide.
This morning, A-Rod used the lame excuse, I didn't do steroids. Later int he day he recanted, using the I dind't know defens. Alex, Alex, Alex, how stupid do you think people are? They got the records from the Baseball Player's Union. Lying about it intinally only made you look like an ass.
Was I surprised A-Rod went to denial? No, because once again it's his image. If he believes it, it won't be true. Well Alex you can deny it to yourself, but then their is the lab test that says you are a liar. Which would you rather be a fallen legend or an example of a liar and cheat? I personally would take the hit on my reputation for being stupid then for being a liar, then an idiot by admitting it and saying he didn't know. I will admit my mistakes. I have enough self-confidence in myself to admit my many faults; apparently Alex Rodriquez does not. He still believes the A-Rod fairy tale; and this fairy tell has an unhappy ending.
When Andy Pettitte got named in the Mitchell report, I was upset. However Andy came out and admitted to his nasty deed. It proves Andy is a mature person and can handle his own stupidity. When Roger Clemens was accused, he lied, of course, that didn't change my opinion of Roger either, watching him pitch for 20+ year,s you knew it was all about him. And unlike A-Rod, Roger will not be denied Cooperstown, he holds too many records, before he loaded up on the steroids to keep pitching. Alex on the other hand can probably kiss the Hall of Fame goodbye.
Had A-Rod fessed up today and been honest the first time, he might have got a pardon from the Baseball Writers. But Alex initially denied the truth, the truth that is plain in a printed lab report. Lying is something the Baseball Writers will not forget. Honesty and open dialog is the basis for their craft. Alex is not honest or open unless it benefits. Why then would they place him one day in the shrine of the immortals? Lying removes his reward for immortality. Had he gone with unknowingly stupid at first, he might have at least gotten an invite.
My parents always said, honestly is the best policy. In this day of tainted role models, what example does A-Rod's no, then maybe I didn't know defense teach our youth. It teaches them to lie, cheat and sneak to be successful. The fast track to disaster.
The biggest thing about this latest A-Rod Drama is the example it sets for those who want to be like him. And that is something we cannot allow. No matter how much talent, how much ability or success you attain, you should not be rewarded for attaining it unfairly.
As Kellogg's and USA Swimming stripped Michael Phelps of his rewards, the same should be done for all athletes who attain their success through cheating. Why it will not upset me if a talent like A-Rod is denied the Baseball Hall of Fame.
It is time to draw a line in the sand, the line of setting a good example. Those who cheated set bad examples, and bad examples requires punishment.
The moral of this tale, stupidity should never be rewarded and honesty is always the best policy.
Posted by Nancy at 8:40 PM 1 comments
Labels: A-Rod, Alex Rodriquez, Andy Pettitte, Michael Kay, Michale Phelps., Roger Clemens, Scott Boras
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The Smoking Steroid Gun
Much has come out of the Balco investigation by the DEA and US attorney. Now that discovery is over and trial time is near, the real evidence is available to the press, and they are like kids at Christmas, much to the dismay of to other than Messrs Barry Bonds and lawyers, the US Attorney and now Alex Rodriquez.
Hence a plethora of "shocking" steroid related stories.
Get real, anyone who believes A-Rod and Bonds weren't using roids prior to 2006 must have had vision impairment. Photos don't lie and at the end of 2002, A-Rod's face has the distinctive roids shape: round and pregnant looking. I don't think A-Rod was preggers. That would have been bigger news.
You would think that with A-Rod's money he could have done PEDs in the privacy of his home, much like Roger Clemens.

Posted by Nancy at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: A-Rod, Alex Rodriquez, anabolic steriods, Balco, Barry Bonds
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The New Joe Torre Book Part 1
Like many Yankee fans, I want to read to Joe Torre's new book, "The Yankee Years". Unfortunately it will not be in the stores until Tuesday, February 3. And of course on that day severe winter storm is heading to NJ and NY.

Posted by Nancy at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: "The Yankee Years", George Steinbrenner, Joe Torre, New York Yankees, Tom Verducci