Much has come out of the Balco investigation by the DEA and US attorney. Now that discovery is over and trial time is near, the real evidence is available to the press, and they are like kids at Christmas, much to the dismay of to other than Messrs Barry Bonds and lawyers, the US Attorney and now Alex Rodriquez.
Hence a plethora of "shocking" steroid related stories.
Get real, anyone who believes A-Rod and Bonds weren't using roids prior to 2006 must have had vision impairment. Photos don't lie and at the end of 2002, A-Rod's face has the distinctive roids shape: round and pregnant looking. I don't think A-Rod was preggers. That would have been bigger news.
You would think that with A-Rod's money he could have done PEDs in the privacy of his home, much like Roger Clemens.
A-Rod in 2000 Oval Face, no rounding

A-Rod End of 2002
-Roid Use Rounded Face
A-Rod at NYY Announcement 2004
, drug free oval face
To pass the NYY physical, A-Rod would have need to be roids free. Or dear old King George would have not signed on the dotted line.
I have no doubt that in the days and weeks to come their will be other shocking announcements. Even some unsuspected players, one not linked to Balco and the Mitchell Report.
As for Alex, his life is in the toilet, let the poor man alone. He's a multi-millionaire, deep in divorce proceedings, and living in the shadow of Derek Jeter and the 32 pages Joe Torre devoted to him in the "The Yankee Years" (By the way I have not gotten there yet, I cannot wait to get to Chapter 8., so far nothing new)
But one last dig, Alex, I would like to congratulate you on your induction into Club Asterisk *. Somehow I think Babe Ruth's record as the All-Time American League Home Leader will never be in jeapordy from you.
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