Like many Yankee fans, I want to read to Joe Torre's new book, "The Yankee Years". Unfortunately it will not be in the stores until Tuesday, February 3. And of course on that day severe winter storm is heading to NJ and NY.
I read Torre's last book, "Joe Torre's Ground Rules for Winners", it will be interesting to see how this labeled tell-all rates with his philosophy.
I didn't read his first, "Chasing the Dream". His first book didn't do well. #2 was on the NY Times best seller list for several weeks, I predict # 3 will be as well. It's not even out and people are talking.

If I ever wrote a tell all about my family, first most would not believe it; for all intent and purposes I appear mostly normal. To it a few it might explain the way I am. But then I don't feel a need to explain myself to others. Apparently Joe Torre did.
Torre was heavily criticized by the Yankee and overall sports media for his management style.
Personally I had no problem with it. He never let on his th
oughts. That is an excellent management, it forces others to hate you because they can't read you.

He was most of the time composed and cool in the dugout and respectful of the press in interviews. His criticism of the team's performance was minimally aired in public. That really is an example of good management. It is how you build up the respect of your employees, the Yankees, and your bosses, the Steinbrenners.
Long before Torre book # 2, I have always tried to practice that style. Criticism of employees should be private. It's how they learn to grow and mature. Debasing a human being in public is not necessary and uncalled for; it teaches the person nothing and makes you look like a Jackass.
So like many Yankee and baseball fans I am curious about the new book. Why did Joe Cool feel a need to write it? Was it final flip of the bird to Steinbrenner family? Has he been holding it all inside for years and this is his way of venting?
I don't have those answers.
I am also curious why he partnered again with Tom Verducci. Verducci a long time NY Baseball Writer and not a big George Steinbrenner fan would not have been my choice. I am wondering how much of the book is Tom and how much is Joe. I will read it and try and figure it all out.
If anything this may not have been the smartest political move Joe Torre has ever made, the book isn't even out and people are annoyed. From a financial point, it is excellent, as I stated earlier the book will surely spend a long time on the best seller list. I guess the did it because the cost of living is LA is so expensive.
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