
Sunday, July 6, 2008

The New York Post Strikes Out Again

The New York Post, as could have been predicted, air the A-Rod saga on Page 1 today. Shame on Rupert Murdoch.

While I am sure there is a lot of self-centered self interest behavior on both sides of A-Rod, Cynthia, and Madonna, does the Post need circulation so badly as to play to the scandal?

The New York Post, noted only for it's sports section has always been a rag, for paper training the puppy or lining the bird cage. Despite my not so warm feeling for A-Rod as a human being; he and his wife do not deserve to have their lives played on the the front or any pages of the New York Post or any other media other then to comment on his athletic abilities. His personal life, however messed up, should not be rolled out in the daily headlines.

Shame on the Post and Rupert Murdoch, the king of gossip, who obviously wouldn't recognize real news if it started him in the face.