Today when fans enter the stadium it will be previously used. Another faux pax by the Management of the New York Yankees. It will be like having a house warming after you lived in the house a few years. Call it what you want, but it is just going to be Opening Day for me.
The Yankees are still having trouble selling ticket plans for the new digs. I still continue to get calls and emails from Greg and Dave in the ticket office, offering me plans that are overpriced. Obviously I am not the only sane rationale fan who believes in fair market value. I guess the weak economy is finally catching up with the New York Yankees.
The real trick today will be to establish whether Magic and Mystique have decided to cross the street. Unlike everything else in Yankee Stadium they couldn't be crated up and shipped over. They have to want to go.
Playing the Cleveland Indians, is not a sure Opening Day win. The Indians have have best team in the Central, and the Yankees have not had such a difficult opponent in many years. The Opening day win streak surely is in danger this year. Tune in and find out if the Yankees can continue the streak or get scalped by the Indians.

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