
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Update on my NYY Ticket License

On Friday, while I was in San Diego for business, I got a call from the the ticket office of the New York Yankees.
This was clearly in response to my emails and decline of the crappy seats in the bleachers I was offered. Hey maybe they even suspect that I was the one who wen to the Daily News. I did, after the first article, but can't take credit for the bad publicity being generated.
Now Shamir, from the NYY Ticket Office told me I had the opportunity to buy a 41 game plan of field level seats (reality the right field field bleachers, seats no benches); for the mere cost of $8020 plus tax, shipping and handling for 2 seats. I said no, put me in the pool.

The seats offered in reality would have cost $25.00 in the old stadium given there locations (see picture, gray area in right field). They are in fact where in the 1923 Stadium the Bleacher Creatures sat. Who knows where the Yankees have stuck that loyal and crazy group of fans. And the Operations Management of the New York Yankees clearly are living in fantasy land and not have no reality. They have lost their minds.

Also the person who read my letter and passed it on clearly does not get that I have not budgeted $8000-9000 for seats. I really do want what I had and I am not willing to pay more than $50.00 a seat.

Clearly the overpriced seats are not selling or I would not have received a phone call on Friday. And The call was a hard sell. Since I was in between sessions in conference, I gracefully told them they were out of their mind, out of touch with the real fans and to put me in the pool. I anticipate I will not get what I want. The Yankees are determined to stick it to the fans in hopes that someone will be crazy enough to overpay for these highly overpriced seats.

Had the seats actually been along the infield base lines I might have jumped at them. Those seats in the old stadium ran between $75-95 a piece/game. Those seats by the way are now between $300-500 a piece/game.

Despite my business travel, I heard the interview Lon Trost gave to WFAN. Clearly he too is one of the COOs that is out of touch with the economic situation. He clearly is drunk with power, believing that Yankee fans will pay anything. He does not realize that the good times have passed, and like all empires, the Yankee Empire is falling; and he is one of the reasons why.

But don't despair fellow Yankee fans, all empires rise and fall and the Yankees always go through these cycles.

Oh how I wish George Steinbrenner was still the healthy active Kaiser and in charge. Instead the inmates are clearly running the asylum.