The pitching in the American League West is in one word…………Abysmal! A train wreck is a prettier site. The 2007 Yankee pitching was a better group of dysfunctional talent. Yankee & Boston fans shouldn't waste time staying up when the teams go on the road to the West, road trips will be predictably successful.
ERAs are high and pitching staffs consist of aging veterans with issues and youngsters with something to prove. Starters have lots of mileage and no one has a real closer. If I had to guess right now who would win the West, I couldn’t say. One thing for sure, the Wild Card is unlikely to come from the West this year. It will be a fight of the worst to win the Western Division.Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim:
My parents said if you can’t say something nice, say something positive, Kelvim Rodriquez will make NY Mets fans ecstatic. As to Angels fans, gone are the good ole days.
The Angels starters are aging. I hope for a glimmer of light in the minor league invitees, otherwise Angel games with AL East and Central times will just result in even higher ERAs. The brightest hope is Jose Arredondo who could be the up and coming closer.
The winning potential of the starters is 0.757; relief is 0.616 and that makes for a potential winning percentage of 0.710 or 115 games. That would work fine if they confine play to the West, but they have to face the East and Central, making them a 92 game winner and the probable champ.
If you live in LA, just root for the Lakers or Dodgers.Oakland Athletics:
The Oakland Athletics consist of a lot of kids recently brought up from the minors. This team could end up with the best pitching. They have youth and leadership on t heir side. The pitching staff reminds me of the 1996 Yankees. Justin Duchscherer and Josh Devine have great potential and are the best starter and closer in the West, despite their youth.
The winning potential of the starters is 0.443; relief is 0.601 and that makes for a potential winning percentage of 0.513 or 88 games.Seattle Mariners:
The Mariners have a problem, they have plenty of starters, but no one can get out of the fifth. What makes that worse is they have some solid relief, but not enough to cap the gap and give the bullpen rest. They too will have to experiment with the youth o fill in the holes. I like Carlos Silva, I think he will be in Seattle a while.
While the pitching is shaky, pitching instruction even shakier; Rick Adair has taken over from Mel Stottlemyre. Adair didn’t do much as a pitcher, he never made it out of the minors, and did less at Texas. There will be crying over baseball in Seattle this year.
The winning potential of the starters is 0.323; relief is 0.327 and that makes for a potential winning percentage of 0.354 or 53 games.Texas Rangers:
The worst pitching in the division! Texas will be a good place for Boston and Yankee road games. The cowboy in the white hat will be Mike Maddux. Maddux came to Texas this year with a proven track record. If anyone can rope in those ERAs it will be him. But he has his work cut out for him.
The winning potential of the starters is 0.478; relief is 0.357 and that makes for a potential winning percentage of 0.424 or 69 games.
AL East Winner: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (90 wins or better)
Also rans: Oakland (85 wins or better), Texas (70 wins or better), Seattle (60 wins or better). Up next, offense.............
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The American League West- Pitching 2009
Posted by Nancy at 8:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, Oakland Atheltics, Seattle Mariners, Texas Rangers
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The American League Central - Pitching 2009
The pitching in the American League Central is also tilted. All teams have starters to practice the six inning game, however only the Indians, White Soxs and Twins are actually fielding major league starters and relievers. If you don’t talk about Carl Pavano, the Cleveland Indians have the best pitching in the division, maybe even in baseball. The Chicago White Soxs close trying to scalp the Tribe, and Minnesota Twins can’t be counted out. Floundering like fish are the Detroit Tigers and Kansas City Royals.

The White Soxs starters can give them an average of 6 innings and relief can give 3, Bobby Jenks is no Mariano Rivera or Jon Papelbon, but he can stop the game.

The Cleveland Indians have the best pitching staff in the American League starters can give them an average of 6 innings and relief can give the required 3, they lack a solid closer, however look for Jensen Lewis to improve. The winning potential of the starters is 0.812; relief is 0.999 and that makes for a potential winning percentage of 0.975 or 110 games.

The Detroit Tigers don’t have bad pitching, they are just it the wrong division this year. Its hard to win when two of the 4 teams you play can dominate you.
The Detroit Tigers starters can give them an average of 6 innings and relief can give 3. The winning potential of the starters is 0.503; relief is 0.963, but their closers are no show stoppers. The have a potential winning percentage of 0.606 or 82 games.

Kansas City Royals:
Kansas City still haves the best steakhouses, but no baseball. The best chance for the Royals is to poison the Gatorade in the visiting clubhouses when other teams come to town. Maybe they can get come peanuts packaged by the Peanut Corporation of America.
The Royals are still building, and if they can remain steady, they have a chance in a few years, but not in 2009. Their relief pitching is their best asset at this time.
The Royals starters can play the 6 innings game and relief finish it off, they lack a solid closer. The winning potential of the starters is 0.503; relief is 0.963 and that makes for a potential winning percentage of 0.606 or 82 games.
The Kansas City Royals are not a playoff team.
The Twins are the spoiler in the Central with their ultimate secret weapon, Manager Ron Gardenhire.
Their starters can give a solid 6 innings innings and relief can give the needed 3, and they Joe Nathan for a closer. The winning potential of the starters is 0.575; relief is 0.963 and that makes for a potential winning percentage of 0.662 or 85 games.
Also rans: Chicago (97 wins or better), Minnesota (98 wins or better), Detroit (80 wins or better), Kansas City (77 wins or better).

Posted by Nancy at 7:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: Chicago White Soxs, Cleveland Indians, Detroit Tigers, Kansas City Royals, Minnesota Twins
Saturday, March 7, 2009
American League East Pitching 2009
The pitching in the American League East this year creates a disparity. On one side of the seesaw is New York, Boston and Tampa, on the other Toronto and Baltimore. While New York, Boston and Tampa will be playing for the title of AL East, Toronto and Tampa will be fighting to see which one does not finish in last place.

To the advantage of the pitching staff is the Green Monster, Matsuzaka, Papelbon and David Ortiz. If the Red Soxs hit they can win 99 games, if they don't, 88 games, making them a potential 94 game winner and a rival to New York and Tampa.
The Red Soxs have the capability to win 99 starts. Their starters can give them an average of 6 innings and relief can give 3-4. The winning potential of the starters is 0.544; relief is 0.463 and that makes for a potential winning percentage of 0.517 or 84 games. Boston as always will threaten the Yankees thus make the AL East race interesting, especially with A-Rod on the DL for the season start.

While it is a concern what the Yankees will do without Alex Rodriquez's bat, hitting only tacks on runs; pitching is the most important aspect to winning the World Series. This year in the AL East, the Yankees have set themselves up with solid pitching, starters and bullpen. Not only that the Yankees have strong youth potential for starters.
A healthy year could bring another AL East Title.
The Yankees have the capability to win 102 starts. Their starters can give them an average of 7 innings while relief can give 3-4, they can get more rest on Mo's arm. The winning potential of the starters is 0.610; relief is 0.697 and that makes for a potential winning percentage of 0.629 or 102 wins. The Yankees can win the American League East as long as they manufacture runs.
The Rays need the crowd on their side at home to succeed.

Ice Hockey is more important than baseball in Canada. Add to that scary range of talent in starting pitching and unsteady talent in the bullpen and you see the 4th runner up in the American League East Race.
The Blue Jays starters can give them an average of 5 innings and relief can give 3, they lack a solid closer. The winning potential of the starters is 0.486; relief is 0.457 and that makes for a potential winning percentage of 0.476 or 77 games. The only race Toronto will be in is for the basement of the American League East.

Posted by Nancy at 11:34 AM 1 comments
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, Boston Red Soxs, New York Yankees, Tampa Bay Rays, Toronto Blue Jays
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Ticket Licensee - Finale

Posted by Nancy at 8:45 PM 2 comments
Labels: Hal Steinbrenner, Hank Steinbrenner, Lonn Trost, Randy Levine
We need Bernie Back!
Alex Rodriquez and Mickey Mantle have one thing in common.......stupidity. Had Mantle behaved himself, he would have not needed uppers to play and downers to sleep. Instead Mantle painted the town red white wearing the pinstripes. He was a party boy; taking advantage of his fame. In the 1961 season, Mantle acquired a festering sore from his butt injections of uppers and downers. It effectively ended his home run race with Roger Maris, and nearly hurt the Yankees chance of wining the division.
Posted by Nancy at 6:19 AM 1 comments
Labels: Alex Rodriques, Bernie Williams, Brian Cashman, New York Yankees
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Chapter 10 in the A-Rod Saga
For those who came in late I will recap:
Chapter 1: A-Rod opens mouth and disses Derek Jeter, causing the first of many controversies.
Chapter 2: A-Rod comes to New York Yankees from the Texas Rangers, bringing his all about me personality into the team oriented New York Yankees clubhouse; the Yankees begin a down turn.
Chapter 3: A-Rod admits to frequenting poker clubs, reviving the Pete Rose question about gambling issues associated with sports players.
Chapter 4: Mrs. A-Rod appears at the stadium in a controversial T-Shirt, making the front pages of the Daily News and New York Post, all his money can't buy good fashion sense.
Chapter 5: A-Rod seen with mystery blond in Toronto during the Yankees stand against the Blue Jays.
Chapter 6: Mrs. A-Rod institutes divorce proceedings after A-Rod and Madonna are linked as having extramarital affairs with each other.
Chapter 7: Madonna dumps A-Rod and divorces husband Guy Richie.
Chapter 8: Joe Torre talks extensively about "the A-Rod problem" in his new book, confirming A-Rod's self centered selfish attitude.
Chapter 9: A-Rod admits to steroids, receives many invitations to discuss this from the United States Congress, the US Attorney regarding DEA Issues and Major League Baseball. A-Rod's defense: "My cousin made me do it."
Chapter 10: A-Rod develops hip cyst which could end his career, and so I begin:
Chapter 10: The Hip Cyst:
- Hip Cysts typically are sign of osteoarthritis. Not necessarily a true cysts, they are weakened areas in the bone plate; and a weakened hip joint is never a good thing, once you have pain, the damage is done.
- Oh by the way, Osteoarthritis is one of the indicators of intravenous drug abuse and a documented side effect of HGH abuse. By screwing around with the body's normal metabolism by taking pharmaceuticals not prescribed for your condition, bad stuff happens.
Never mind not playing in the world baseball classic, something I want moved to November and not the middle of Spring Training; A-Rod has bigger issues. He could be looking at surgery to fix his hip. Quite easily depending on the size of the area, he has potential for permanent injury, ending his career. While I would like to see A-Rod and his story banished from the Yankees, you don't want a career ending injury to befall anyone.
In the end he only brought it upon himself. Using illegal obtained, non prescribed, performance enhancing substance can cause health problems, just ask Jason Giambi. A-Rod could be looking at early retirement from baseball, a life with an artificial hip, walker or in a wheel chair.
So here you go boys and girls, a lesson, never cheat, especially in sports, because:
Posted by Nancy at 6:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: A-Rod, Alex Rodriquez, Derek Jeter, hip cysts, Madonna, New York Yankees, NY Daily News, NY Post
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
More Ticket Issues-Lack of Integrity
While I doubt feel that many employees in the NYY Ticket Office may be a little dense; they should not assume the licensess are. My latest round with the ticket office goes this way:
Monday, 9AM, March 2, 2009, Greg from the Ticket Office leaves a voice mail on my house phone about Section 132. Please call him back, he will hold the seats till Tuesday.
At 3PM, my assigned ticket rep, Rosa Muniz calls me, again about Section 132, she call the cell. We have an engaging conversation that goes like this:
Rosa: "Everything you heard is wrong, its just fans show are trying to cause trouble. All ticket holders with seniority of 2006 or higher got their requests, anyone in 2007, 2008 0r 2009 got nothing".
Personally I know that is a load of horse poop. And today I find out form another colleague, also a NYY fan, the ticket office tells them nowhere and no answers when they call.
I have till Friday to exercise my license. I am on fence, leaning towards not renewing. I have this ethical situation with what i consider fair market value. Most of the seats in Yankee Stadium are priced beyond fair market value, more towards their value from Stub Hub, then a direct dealer.
I really think it is time baseball fans stood up along with all sports fans and did something about this. Unfortunately we get seduced into ticket plans, which gives us a season of accessibility. I am not easily seduced, and I have better uses for my pile of Yankee ticket money:
1. Purchase a 42 inch flat screen and a DVR.
2. Purchase 4 tickets to Opening Day from a fair market value scalper I know.
3. Purchase tickets to games, with enough seats I can take my niece and toddler nephew.
4. Do a few road trips to away games to protest this trend in baseball to price premium games with inflated values.
5. Spend time and money of what is left to get laws passed regarding fair market value pricing.
Note: I have spent some money with my favorite Voodoo priestess, Sabrina, commissioning a doll of Lon Trost. As I sit in my scalper purchased Opening Day seats, I will be stabbing Lon in enough places that he will be in pain. Sabrina makes a quality Voodoo doll, and she practices fair market value.
Finally my greatest issue these days is with the lack of integrity, in reality bold fat lies being told to me by the Ticket Office. Fans speak to each other, after many years, I know many other licensees. We all got the same line of B/S. The New York Yankees, an organization that takes pride in the integrity of their heroic hall of fame players, is now a den of liars.
I hate liars, I think they should all have their tongues cut out.
Don't ever lie to me, the consequences will not be to your liking.
Posted by Nancy at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Lon Trost, New York Yankees, Rosa Muniz
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Update on my NYY Ticket License
Despite my business travel, I heard the interview Lon Trost gave to WFAN. Clearly he too is one of the COOs that is out of touch with the economic situation. He clearly is drunk with power, believing that Yankee fans will pay anything. He does not realize that the good times have passed, and like all empires, the Yankee Empire is falling; and he is one of the reasons why.
But don't despair fellow Yankee fans, all empires rise and fall and the Yankees always go through these cycles.
Posted by Nancy at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Lon Trost, New York Yankees, Ticket Licensees, WFAN