A poor bird has been given a bum wrap just because some overly curious teenager named Alexa Rodriquez got to close to the nest. What did you expect? A peck of the cheek?
Granted hawks and other birds of prey and cunning and exhibit great eyesight; however I doubt the bird is waiting in the upper decks for the Yankees and Alex Rodriquez to hit down.
That said if A-Rod or any of the Bombers get too close to Momma hawk's egg, well she will defend her incubating offspring. Many of us NY area residents remember the Central park hawk, Pall Mall and his mater attacking patrons of the park while the babies were in the nest helpless.
It's not personal, it's Mother instinct.
And if any of the Yankees should be concerned about the upcoming trip to Fenway, it should be Derek Jeter. Derek's up close view of America the Eagle's talon in the playoffs a few years back is what got our symbol of freedom banned from Yankee Stadium and Derek and love scratch on the forehead. I miss the eagle, but I would rather not have Derek get an eye taken out.

My little neighborhood predator here rarely perches so nice, and it took about two digital cards of shots to finally get him last summer. He is largely responsible for the reduction in chipmunks and squirrels. You know when he and his crew are around as rodent and birds go into hiding.
As for the Fenway hawk, better watch she does not take off with a ball in play. Hawks can take off into flight with rabbits, small dogs and cats, so a baseball would be no problem.
I wonder how that would be scored; Fan or Fowl interference. And imagine if the bird does it to Big Papi or Manny?
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