MLB has announced their Golden Glove Awards, and as usual everyone has an opinion. In case you missed it the list is to the left.
Most notable ESPN hot air Michale Kay has a problem with David Wright being named. I don't see the problem, Wright played the most innings of all players in his in the National League. Since errors go up with innings played, the award is not without merit on his behalf.
Kay's commentary then went on to claim that Bernie Williams never deserved his Golden Gloves, according to Kay he was a mediocre center fielder. I don't know what games he was watching, but for most Yankee Fans, Bernie commanded the outfield, chasing down balls like a gazelle. Yes he didn't have the strongest arm, but the award is for fielding, not for tossing. But then with Michael Kay no one can be as great a ballplayer as Alex Rodriquez.
Kay's commentary takes the shine off of Wright's award. Awards after all are for achievement. In this case voted by the baseball writers. Kay's negative commentary is reminiscent of how those in society sometimes react to other touted with an award. Negativity instead of acknowledging the accomplishment. Maybe you were up for an award and lost it to someone else. Did you acknowledge their achievement gracefully or go off with a sour puss to pout?
Often their is a lot more pouting then smiling on the part of the loser. Whether that loser is sports, a professional association or politics. The question becomes, why can't we all just be nice and accept we didn't win?
Its not that being gracious isn't in our nature; we start out that way. Somewhere along the line some of us become narrow minded and self centered. It becomes about that individual their needs and those needs being met. Instead of being gracious in defeat, they become mean. Sometimes the meanness become violence.
Tuesday was a day of great change for many people in the USA. The population elected Barack Obama the 44th President of the USA. The winning side is elated, the losing side, well some of them are being gracious and some are being mean. The mean ones need a good kick in the butt.
I'm a registered republican, I voted for Barack. I'm not a traitor to my party, I didn't elect a "nigger" as some are calling him. I voted for him because in my mind, he was the better candidate. One of my siblings voted for McCain, he's graciously accepted Obama as the President Elect, he is willing to give the man a chance.
Michael Kay is a professional hot air balloon. He always has something negative to say, his comments on the Golden Gloves are his style. However his style would be better left off the air. Children mimic what they see or hear. The negativity, even as commentary sets a bad example, begrudging David Wright his award. It can lead to violence in society.
My message is this, so you didn't win the prize, be gracious and acknowledge the winner. Act like John McCain did on Tuesday night, be willing to work with the winner.